Gun Commands
- EVERY command is only valid in the case that it can be reached by only pressing maximum one key bind. (This means that you can not go into port arms from rest arms for example)
Shoulder arms = Equip your weapon / Return weapon to original position.
Make ready = Left click.
Present = F.
Salute = V.
Pull back your hammer = Left click. (while in present, without making ready.)
Fire = Left click while in present, and hammer is pulled back.
Rest arms = H.
Advance arms = G.
Port arms = J.
Slope arms = N.
Fix bayonet = B.
Charge arms = X.
Support arms = L.
Trail arms = K.
Ground arms = Unequip. (Valid regardless of what gun command you are in prior.)
- Free aim (3rd person only) = Y.
- At Ease = Z.
- Attention = Z. (Drop at ease.)
- Prime and Load = R.
- Recover = Make ready after prime and loading.