Ranks & their powers
NCO+ may enforce the law by using their detain tool and giving orders to people below their rank. NCO+ may give NJPs. They may use their discipline cane on someone as a warning for people that break the law, they must verbally include the reason why they hit someone.
MPs may enforce the law whenever someone breaks the law, including higher ranks. They may handcuff a person and put him in a cooling off period, in which the MP officer may detain someone for no maximum amount of time. Leaving in cuffs during this 5-minute period will result in an insubordination charge. They also have the website at their disposal, they may not give a disciplinary order on top of a report, they may give only one. They also are allowed to put Militia & Enlistments in jail for 5 or 10 minutes following procedure after they've been given a warning. The Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel of the Military Police can declare members of the CA as "declared trolls" if misconduct is frequent or of a large amount. If a person is to refuse an NJP for a separate crime, the criminal can be reported by MP for Insubordination and the Original crime. Militias & Enlistments aren't expected to know the entire Military Law and therefore should be warned first before they are put in prison. When an MP investigation starts, it must continue till the report is submitted. People may not interrupt the report to replace it with an NJP. If the perpetrator wishes to appeal or have the report removed, they must contest it against the MP HiCOM or Commissioner with valid reason.
Officers have similar power to Military Police. As Well as enforcing overall CA law, they are responsible for enforcing laws across their own individual regiments. The Colonel of a regiment may make regimental Laws for officers to enforce and their own regiment to follow. Officers are expected to be within a high level of loyalty to the CA and put the group above other groups they may be in. Officers who are in the ranks Lieutenant, Captain and Major, just have their reports approved by MP High Command or the Military Police Commissioner before submitting it. Commissioned officers can give NJP’s and report people below their rank.
Ensigns are not considered officers. They are MSGT’s who are taking the officer academy. They have the rights of an NCO until the passing of their Officer Academy. When an ensign passes their Officer Academy, they will receive the rank of Lieutenant. Once this has occurred they will receive the same rights and powers as an officer. They are not allowed into the Officer Area in Bunker Hill, until passing their Officer Academy.
HICOM have the ability to set laws within their regiment, these are enforceable by regimental officers.
The High Command in a regiment consists of the ranks from Major to Colonel. These are not the same as the High Command recognised by the main group. (XO and CO).
Only XO+ may clear people for the Officer Area in Bunker Hill. (Only 2 people may be cleared into the Officer Area at one time. May be overrided by BGEN+. The CO of MP and the CO of Dragoons may clear 1 person at a time for their respective building.
HiCOM (XO+) may only be reported by MP Commissioned Officers.
The ranks that are the immune to all of the Military Law are as follows:
Owner, Commanding General, Major General, Developer.
Reports put against any HQ members are to be handled by the Senior HQ members, MGEN+.
HQ are able to open investigations where they may impel the truth from people. If a person lies to HQ during a HQ investigation, they may be reported for Treason. HQ are the members who are responsible for keeping the group together.